South East University - China - 2014

Interactive chinese handscroll Project - Department of Animation

A three-month course taught as an invited instructor in the Department of Animation of South East university, Nanjing. The final project involved the creation of an interactive animated handscroll displayed across multiple screens. The aim of this project is to explore storytelling on an innovative platform and provide animation students with the opportunity to experiment with a short interactive format

Exhibition Concept : Interactive handscroll

Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival
Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival

Case study: Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival


The format of a handscroll allows for the depiction of a continuous narrative or journey: the viewing of a handscroll is a progression through time and space. The experience of seeing a scroll for the first time is like a revelation. As one unrolls the scroll, one has no idea what is coming next: each section presents a new surprise.

The idea of the exhibition is to create 5 little interactive animations displayed on 3 different screens. Each team selected a chinese story and illustrates it through 3 linked screens (3 computers in network).


The team realisations should include at least:

- looped Animated background

- Layer of Animated character

- Animated Foreground

- Text Layer


A pen tablet will be used to play and spread the animation into the 3 screens, like 3 little timelines.


Exhibition hardware


Very simple touch interaction : A Pen/Touch Tablet is split into 3 zones. Every zone activate animation in one of the screen.

Tools and technical advices

MEANDRE  (toolbox for real time multimedia design, based on Pure Data)


-  windows系統出現影片或影像問題,先確認你的電腦已經安裝quicktime嘞。
- OSX上應用程式沒有啟動?安裝XQuartz


Adobe Premiere .mov Photo-jpeg Export
Adobe Premiere .mov Photo-jpeg Export

- 在命名文件和文件夹的时候请避免使用中文


- 在命名文件和文件夹的时候,请不要使用空格,你们可以使用« - » 或 « _ » 。(例子


- 你只能将你的文件存入在« Meandre_1.6 »文件夹里。


- 将所有的媒体文件(图片,视频,音频,3D模型等等)放在你们自己选定的文件夹里。比如«MEDIA »。





视频: 使用 文件,照片jpg或者动图jpeg格式,而不是.h264。

注意,请在选择影片pixel大小的时候,最好用1024x768 或者 1280x720 (而不是 1920x1080)


- 图片格式是 .Jpeg 或者 .png (图片最大 2048x2048)


- 声音格式是 .wav, 44100htz, 16bit


- 3D模型是 .obj

.obj 3d模型导入到Maya:


1/ go to 窗口 > 设置/首选项 > 插件管理器 (Window > Settings/Preferences > Plug-in Manager)


2/ - Check « objJexport.mll » box 检查一下 « objJexport.mll »





1/ Download « craOBJSequences.mel » and copy it to your Maya script folder found in « mydocument », start Maya.


下载« craOBJSequences.mel »文件,然后将它复制到你Maya 脚本文件夹里(在« mydocument »里找到),开始start Maya.


2/ go to: 选择“窗口 > 常规编辑器 > 脚本编辑器”(Window > General Editors > Script Editor)

将打开“脚本编辑器”(Script Editor)窗口。



3/ In Script editor, type: « craOBJSequences ; » then « Play» button.

在脚本编辑器上输入 craOBJSequences ;,然后按 Play


4/ Select an animated model, then click « Export obj Sequence »...

选择一个动画的模型,然后按 Export obj Sequence



Layering different element for depth experience : Parallax scrolling effect